updating oE arctan



<built-in> function arctan(object tangent) 

returns an angle with given tangent.

  1. tangent : an object, each atom of which will be converted, no matter how deeply nested.

An object, of the same shape as tangent. For each atom in flatten(tangent), the angle with smallest magnitude that has this atom as tangent is computed.


All atoms in the returned value lie between -PI/2 and PI/2, exclusive.

This function may be applied to an atom or to all elements of a sequence (of sequence (...)).

arctan is faster than arcsin or arccos.

Example 1:
s = arctan({1,2,3}) 
-- s is {0.785398, 1.10715, 1.24905} 
See Also:

arcsin, arccos, tan, flatten

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